Information Security ServicesSecurity StrategyDevelop a plan for implementing the recommendations and security mechanisms necessary to protect your valuable corporate data. Critical to the success of any security strategy is having a well documented security policy that provides guidelines and procedures for ensuring that your corporate activities adhere to defined security standards. Security AssessmentPreliminary assessment of your site's vulnerability. We will provide you with an understanding of what is needed to protect your assets. Security Policy & ProceduresWe will define your organization's expectations of proper computer and network use and to define procedures to prevent loss or compromise of data. Security BaselinesWe will define the minimum settings required to implement, monitor and maintain your security policy. Disaster Recovery PlanningYour organization can experience a serious incident that can prevent it from continuing normal operations. This can range from a flood or fire to a serious computer malfunction or Information Security incident. We will create a sound disaster recovery / business continuity plan which is essential to protect the well being your organization. Quarterly and Bi-Annual Re-AssessmentWe will provide quarterly or bi-annual re-assessment of your organization |
Work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to gather, analyze, communicate and validate requirements for changes to business processes...>> Read More